How to talk to girls at parties

There’s a party, and you want to mingle. Maybe you’re even excited by the prospect of meeting someone special but feel nervous. 

How do you actually approach the ladies during parties by being suave and cool like those men who are constantly surrounded by sexy Penrith escorts? There are effective ways to get to talk with women at these types of events, such as:  

Be Confident

When speaking with women, you should be confident. If you’re not confident, it will show. You might feel like there are butterflies in your stomach, and that’s normal. But if you can maintain an air of confidence and remain calm, then she’ll probably like what she sees.

Don’t Try Too Hard

There’s nothing worse than meeting someone who seems to be putting on an act just so they look cool. Being a try-hard never works. Don’t pretend like there aren’t any awkward silences because there were plenty during conversations, and instead, just smile and keep going until things flow naturally again.

Be Direct

When it comes to talking to girls at parties, there’s nothing wrong with being direct. If you’re interested in her, go about the conversation normally and be friendly. 

When you get to know her better, tell her that perhaps, if she wants to, you can keep in touch. Don’t be afraid of rejection either, as not all are available or interested in being more than just friends. 

Sense Of Humor

You want to be playful, a bit flirty, and have a good sense of humor. Girls like guys who are funny but not the party clown. If she doesn’t like your jokes, then be sensitive and understand something else might be on her mind. 

Try not to say rude jokes. Don’t take anything personally when talking with girls at parties because they aren’t always going through their best days, either. Sometimes, she might have had too many drinks, so you have to stay cool and be light about things. 

Don’t Use Pick Up Lines

Pick up lines are cheesy, corny, desperate, unoriginal and not funny. Especially when you use outdated ones like asking what their sign is. Most girls have heard them all, and it might be an automatic turn off. 

Pick up lines are ideal for online dating sites and for bars for guys trying to get laid. Sometimes, a man can come on too strong and make it seem like a case of gross entitlement disguised as humor.

Know What You Want 

Knowing why you’re talking to her will help determine how much time and effort is worth putting into the conversation. If all she has going for her is physical attraction then it might not be worth pursuing anything more than that one night stand.

Know What She Wants 

You might think all girls are looking for the same thing, but most aren’t. Don’t assume anything about anyone’s intentions until they’ve made those intentions clear. Signals are not enough sometimes, as women do rapidly change their mind. 

In Conclusion 

Build rapport and establish what you both want. Be light, and don’t try too hard. Reach out and confidently start the ball rolling, taking things in stride.